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【厚度】学术plus年终巨献:2017年 你不可以错过的重磅报告们!(全文阅读链接)
2d Session
H. R. 5356
March 20, 2018
This Act may be cited as the “National Security Commission Artificial Intelligence Act of 2018”.
(a) Establishment.—There is established inthe executive branch an independent commission to be known as the NationalSecurity Commission on Artificial Intelligence (in this subtitle referred to asthe “Commission”). The Commission shall be considered an independentestablishment of the Federal Government as defined by section 104 of title 5,United States Code, and a temporary organization under section 3161 of suchtitle.
(a) 设立
在行政部门设立一个独立委员会, 称为“国家人工智能安全委员会”。委员会应视为独立设立的联邦政府部门。
(b) Responsibilities.
(1) IN GENERAL.—The Commission shall carryout a review of the advances in artificial intelligence, related machinelearning developments, and associated technologies. In carrying out suchreview, the Commission shall consider the methods and means necessary toadvance the development of artificial intelligence, machine learning, andassociated technologies by the United States to comprehensively address thenational security needs of the Nation, including economic risk, and any otherneeds of the Department of Defense or the common defense of the Nation.
(1) 通则
委员会对人工智能、机器学习的发展和相关技术开展审查。在进行此类审查时, 委员会应审查促进美国人工智能、机器学习和相关技术的发展所需的方法和手段, 以便全面解决国家安全需要, 包括经济风险和国防部的任何其他需要。
(2) SCOPE OF THE REVIEW.—In conducting thereview under paragraph (1)(A), the Commission shall consider—
(2) 审查的范围
在根据第 (1) (A) 款进行审查时, 委员会须考虑以下事项:
(A) the competitiveness of the UnitedStates in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other associatedtechnologies, including matters related to national security, economicsecurity, public-private partnerships, and investments;
(A) 美国在人工智能、机器学习和其他相关技术方面的竞争力, 包括与国家安全、经济安全、公私伙伴关系和投资相关的事务;
(B) means and methods for the United Statesto maintain a technological advantage in artificial intelligence, machinelearning, and other associated technologies, including quantum computing andhigh performance computing;
(B) 美国在人工智能、机器学习和其他相关技术, 包括量子计算和高性能计算方面保持技术优势的手段和方法;
(C) developments and trends in internationalcooperation and competitiveness, including foreign investments in artificialintelligence, machine learning, and computer science fields;
(C) 国际合作和竞争力的发展和趋势,包括在人工智能、机器学习和计算机科学领域的外国投资;
(D) means by which to foster greateremphasis and investments in basic and advanced research to stimulate private,public, academic and combined initiatives in artificial intelligence, machinelearning, and other associated technologies, including quantum computing and high performance computing;
(D) 在基础研究和高技术研发中,强化重点和投资手段,以鼓励人工智能、机器学习和其他相关技术的私人、公共、学术和联合倡议, 包括量子计算和高性能计算;
(E) workforce and education incentives toattract and recruit leading talent in artificial intelligence and machinelearning, including science, technology, engineering, and math programs;
(E) 吸引和招聘人工智能和机器学习方面领导人才的劳动力和教育激励措施, 包括科学、技术、工程和数学项目;
(F) risks associated with United States and foreign country advances in military employment of artificial intelligence andmachine learning, including under the international law of armed conflict,international humanitarian law, and escalation dynamics;
(F) 美国和外国在军事上应用人工智能和机器学习的风险, 包括根据国际武装冲突法、国际人道主义法,以及动态调整;
(G) associated ethical considerationsrelated to artificial intelligence and machine learning as it will be used forfuture applications;
(G) 基于人工智能和机器学习将来的可能应用,对其伦理问题的考虑。
(H) means to establish data standards andprovide incentives for the sharing of open training data within relateddata-driven industries;
(H) 建立数据标准,鼓励在相关的数据驱动的工业中分享开放数据训练;
(I) development of privacy- andsecurity-protecting measures for data in artificial intelligence, machinelearning, and associated technologies; and
(J) any other matters the Commission deemsrelevant to the common defense of the Nation.
(J) 委员会认为与国家共同防御有关的其他任何事项。
(c) Membership.
(c) 组成
(1) NUMBER AND APPOINTMENT.—The Commissionshall be composed of 11 members appointed as follows:
(1) 人数和任用.委员会应由11名成员组成:
(A) The Secretary of Defense shall appoint3 members.
(A) 国防部长任命3名成员。
(B) The Chairman of the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate shall appoint 2 members.
(B) 参议院军事委员会主席任命2名成员。
(C) The ranking minority member of theCommittee on Armed Services of the Senate shall appoint 2 members.
(C) 参议院军事委员会少数派成员任命2名成员。
(D) The Chairman of the Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives shall appoint 2 members.
(D) 众议院军事委员会主席任命2名成员。
(E) The ranking minority member of theCommittee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives shall appoint 2members.
(E) 众议院军事委员会少数派成员任命2名成员。
(2) DEADLINE FOR APPOINTMENT.—Members shallbe appointed to the Commission under paragraph (1) not later than 90 days afterthe date of the enactment of this Act.
(3) EFFECT OF LACK OF APPOINTMENT BYAPPOINTMENT DATE.—If one or more appointments under paragraph (1) is not madeby the date specified in paragraph (2), the authority to make such appointmentor appointments shall expire, and the number of members of the Commission shallbe reduced by the number equal to the number of appointments so not made.
(d) Chair And Vice Chair.—The Commissionshall elect a Chair and Vice Chair from among its members.
(e) Terms.—Members shall be appointed forthe life of the Commission. A vacancy in the Commission shall not affect itspowers and shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment wasmade.
(f) Status As FederalEmployees.—Notwithstanding the requirements of section 2105 of title 5, UnitedStates Code, including the required supervision under subsection (a)(3) of suchsection, the members of the Commission shall be deemed to be Federal employees.
(g) Funding.—Of the amounts authorized tobe appropriated for fiscal year 2019 for the Department of Defense, not morethan $10,000,000 shall be made available to the Commission to carry out itsduties under this section. Funds made available to the Commission under thepreceding sentence shall remain available until expended.
(g) 资金
国防部在2019财政年度为其提供拨款, 不超过1000万元, 供委员会履职所需。
(h) Reports.
(h) 报告制度
(1) INITIAL REPORT.—Not later than 180 daysafter the date of the enactment of this Act, the Commission shall submit to thePresident and Congress an initial report on the findings of the Commission andsuch recommendations that the Commission may have for action by the executivebranch and the Congress related to artificial intelligence and machine learningand associated technologies, including recommendations to more effectivelyorganize the Federal Government.
(1) 初步报告。在本法正式颁布之日起180天内, 委员会应就行政部门和国会涉及人工智能和机器学习及相关技术的相关事务,向总统和国会提交关于委员会调查结果的初步报告,以及可采取行动的建议, 包括更有效地组织联邦政府的建议。
(2) COMPREHENSIVE REPORT.—Not later thanone year after the date of this enactment of this Act, and annually thereafteruntil the date specified in subsection (j), the Commission shall submit to thePresident and to Congress a comprehensive report on the review required undersubsection (b).
(2) 全面报告。在本法正式颁布之日起一年内, 直到第 (j) 款指明的日期, 委员会每年应向总统和国会提由第 (b) 款要求的全面审查报告。
(i) Definition Of ArtificialIntelligence.—In this section, the term “artificial intelligence” includes eachof the following:
本法案中的 "人工智能" 一词包括以下各项:
(1) Any artificial system that performstasks under varying and unpredictable circumstances without significant humanoversight, or that can learn from experience and improve performance when exposed to data sets.
(1) 任何无需人类监督, 可在不同情况和不可预知的情况下执行任务的人工系统,或可通过数据集提高性能和学习经验的人工系统。
(2) An artificial system developed incomputer software, physical hardware, or other context that solves tasksrequiring human-like perception, cognition, planning, learning, communication,or physical action.
(2) 在计算机软、硬件或其他环境中开发的人工系统, 用于解决需要人类感知、认知、规划、学习、沟通或身体动作的任务。
(3) An artificial system designed to thinkor act like a human, including cognitive architectures and neural networks.
(3) 设计为像人类一样思考或行动的人工系统, , 包括认知结构和神经网络。
(4) A set of techniques, including machinelearning, that is designed to approximate a cognitive task.
(4) 用以抵近“认知任务”的一类技术,包括机器学习。
(5) An artificial system designed to actrationally, including an intelligent software agent or embodied robot thatachieves goals using perception, planning, reasoning, learning, communicating,decisionmaking, and acting.
(5) 一种通过感知、计划、推理、学习、交流、决策和行动实现目标的人工系统,包括智能软件代理或实体机器人。
(j) Termination.—The Commission shallterminate on October 1, 2020.
(j) 终止
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